Mixing colors

Objective:  To mix paints to make a new colors.

I provided my kid several clear plastic cups, wood sticks, and different color paint for this activity. He mixed Red+Yellow to make Orange,  Blue+Yellow to make Green, Red+Blue to make Purple,  Red+White to make Pink, Red+Green to make Brown and White+Green to make Light Green.  He was sure fascinating by mixing the paint and seeing them change!

Mixing Blue (Azul) and Red (Roj0) to make make Purple (Morado)

Red (Rojo) and Green (Verde) to make Brown (Cafe)

White (Blanco) and Green (Verde) to make Light Green (Verde Claro)

Finally, he made an art work by using shape sponges using all the different colors he mixed.


Objective: To learn the color blue; coloring and play.

Today we reviewed the color blue. I wanted to make this activity fun.  I made him find blue objects that I had hidden around the house, by following the blue clues I printed out and colored.

Following the blue clues.

He found several blue objects in the drawer.

A good practice is to have them name each object as they find them saying: Blue paint, blue color, etc.

Following the third clue.

Now it was time to take a break and play with blue slime! I will post the recipe and instructions of the slime sometime soon 🙂

Also, another good practice is to have them find all the blue things on their person.

To close this topic, he colored a blue whale.


Objective: To continue the discussion of Autumn.

We continued discussing Autumn and took another nature walk to gather leaves, pine cones and sticks to make some fun crafts.

Our first project was to make a Fall Fingerprint Tree using orange, red, and yellow paint, and the sticks we collected.

We glued the sticks together with silicon glue, and made the form of a tree trunk.

He used his thumb to make the leaves!

And done!

Our second project was to make birdies from the pine cones that we gathered.

I think they turned out cute!

Our last project was a leaf printing.  He painted each leaf and transferred them to the paper, pressing down all around the leaf, then carefully lifting the leaf off of the paper.

Red, yellow and orange

Objective: To review red (Rojo)  and yellow (Amarillo) ; to learn orange (Anaranjado) ; to trace

I let him trace several shapes from the Fit-A-Space shapes, and color them with red, yellow and red crayons.

We cut out the shapes and glued them on the paper.

I wrote the name of each shape and forgot to put the names of the colors.. Oops!!

For enrichment I pulled out the red, yellow and orange shapes. He put them together on a lace, making a pattern of color and a shape.

For additional fun, I cut strips from constructions paper of the three colors to make a paper chain ( I made my strips too short, so make sure your strips are long enough – about 1″ x 8 ½”). One you have cut all the strips , take one strip and overlap the ends to form a ring then glue them in place (we actually used staples). With the strip of your second color, pass it through your first ring and glue it. Continue until the chain is the length you want. Easy, simple, and fun!

We ended up with a long paper chain.

Red and Yellow

Objective:  To identify red and yellow, mix them to make orange.

Sorting red and yellow craft sticks 

Use paper rolls and wrap some construction paper

Red and yellow make orange!

I made him mix both of the colors and do some art.

Sponge shapes from the dollar store

My brother also loves to get involved in some of our activities.

Making orange!

Seasons of the Year

Objective: To begin to learn about the seasons of the year.

I took my kid for a nature walk. He collected leaves, pine cones, rocks and flowers. Autumn is approaching so it was a good time to show him that leaves begin to change color and fall down.

We saw some mushrooms, he insisted that they were Pumpkins.

His collection

I got this book a while ago and read it once. It was good to read it again. I like that it’s in Spanish and English 🙂

Making a fall tree



Objective: To discuss and recognize the color red.

I collected several red objects to introduce him the color red. I made him to touch and name each object, saying: Red car, red color, etc.

Another good practice skill was to pick “only” the red fuzzy poms and put them into the red box.

To end the topic, he made a “red apple” out of little ball of red tissue paper. He had fun making all the little balls!

Project well done!